Health / Life / Parenting

I’ve Become That Mom…

I’ve become that mom that I never thought I would become.

Call it what you wish, but I think I might have to finally own up to it.

Crunchy, granola, etc.  Yup that’s me.  I can’t believe it, but I think I’m there, or at least getting close.

mom fixes everything

It all started when I just couldn’t keep my energy up.  Although I was sleeping well, between the hours of 1 and 5 were the worst.  I remember getting into a routine of sitting in the van before picking up the kids from school, taking deep breathes, giving myself a pep talk and praying to God to get me through the next few hours until my husband got home!

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I went to the doctor and got blood work done.  Results came back and the doctor put me on a meat and vegetable diet.  So I started researching nutrition and diets.  I decided to follow Paleo, because that’s basically what my doctor had put me on.  While it was hard, I did it.  Although I’ll have to say, that I still miss boxed cereal the most.  I was addicted and I still love the stuff!  Somehow I mustered up enough will power to only have one Coke Icee (my vice) a week; it was my Sunday treat, and cut out grain carbs.  I lost 10 pounds in a month, just by doing those two things!  I felt better than ever.  I had energy and a clear mind most of the time!  Then I got pregnant and I just couldn’t eat enough.  We couldn’t afford the amount of meat and veggies it would take to fill me up.  So I started to bake bread again, and biscuits.  So now we follow more of the “real food”  guidelines.  Coconut oil, butter, and olive oil.  I tried coconut flour and we just can’t do it.  Every time I baked with it, we ended up throwing the food out or it went bad.  (We still have some, want to buy some coconut flour from me?)  😉 I now cook a lot of things from scratch.


Now, I’ve started using essential oils.  Oils instead of medication is the goal.  My daughter has terrible growing pains.  She moans and screams all night long.  We tried everything, but at 3 in the morning would always wave our white flag, break down and give her some ibuprofen, because “For the love of God, we need sleep, the baby will want to nurse soon!”  I asked about it at a doctor’s appointment and that’s what they said to do, give her the meds.  For myself, I will usually suffer for a while before I break down and take medication for just about anything.  I don’t like the idea of them and have never really been a fan!  I especially don’t like pumping chemicals into my kids for an entire week!  The doctors recommendation didn’t set well with me.  One of my friends whose helped me in my nutritional journey and whom I respect started posting about oils.  She came over and I was sold!  Now I’m selling the oils too!


Now, I may be becoming a mom I never thought I would become, but I’m also human, totally not perfect.  In fact just the other day, I chuckled to myself as the kids and I were leaving the Farmer’s Market, I pulled into McDonald’s (I know, gasp!) because my husband was trenching our backyard and we had an hour an a half before my daughter’s dance recital.  I still do a lot of things that aren’t considered “granola” or “crunchy,” but I have started to get some of those “You’re crazy” looks from other moms when I talk about certain things.  Oh well; find the balance!


Have you become a different mom than you anticipated?


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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Thankful Thursday 5/22

May 22, 2014