Goals / Life

My New “New Years Resolutions”

set goal, make plan, work, stick to it, reach concept presented on blackboard with color notes and white chalk
Thank you, Bottlesurf for the picture.

Do you guys remember a couple of months ago, I decided to start making my New Years resolutions in August?  I wrote my reasoning in this post here.

I am sort of entering a new season of life.  I only have one child with me at home during the day!  This has been a big adjustment for both of us!  😉


Here are my goals for the rest of the year:


  1. Attend Bible Study
  2. Read at least 4 religious books
  3. Help launch a new program at Church!
  4. Continue to tithe and prepare meals for families with newborns and sick mommies.


I am not so good at making sure this one gets done.  It seems like this is the one that always gets pushed to the bottom of the list!  🙁

  1. Read 2 books on marriage
  2. Go on a monthly date (even if it’s just at home after the kids go to bed)
  3. Each make a list and talk about 10 things that make us feel loved.


  1. Read 2 parenting books
  2. Take 2 kids on a 1-1 date per month
  3. Hug, kiss, & look my kids in the eyes and tell them I love them everyday


  1. Get into a routine where I have myself taken care of before the children wake up (Bible Study, exercise, showered).
  2. Have at least 30 minutes of quiet reading 5x/week.
  3. Take a detox bath 2-4 times a month.
  4. Read 1 book that’s just for me!


  1. Consistently post a blog post 3-4 times a week.
  2. Read 3 business books.
  3. Complete 10 follow ups per week.
  4. Continue actively participating in my networking group.


  1. Choose 1 day/week to focus on organization for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Accomplish the “Chore of the day.”
  3. Help the children do a better job and be more productive during chore time.

My Plan

While I know this is going to need some tweaking, this is what I have in mind to help accomplish my goals:

  1. Wake early enough (thank you Make Over Your Mornings Course for helping me do this!)  to do my Bible Study, exercise & shower before the kids are awake and dressed.
  2. Get everyone off to school.
  3. Have some quality time with the little one still at home.
  4. Hopefully snag in 30 minutes (while it may not be all at once) to organize.
  5. Lunch
  6. Put little one down for a nap.
  7. During nap time: read, work on “Chore of the Day,” and business matters each for at least 30 minutes.
  8. Pick up the kids from school.
  9. Get home, go through papers, talk to the kids, start dinner
  10. Be present and ACTIVE during chore time (I’ve noticed that even if I’m working on business stuff (that I’m sitting down for) the kids do not work as hard and take longer to do their chores.  It is my intention to help each child complete a chore (& talk) each day.  This will also give me the opportunity to refine their cleaning skills and knowledge!  😉
  11. Extra curricular activities.
  12. Kids in bed
  13. Work on the house &/or business for an hour.
  14. Get to bed on time because the success of my mornings starts the night before!  😉
  15. Dates will happen on the weekends

A little about the Make Over Your Mornings Course (affilate link):  It’s amazing.  I’ve already gone through it and was sad when I finished because I really enjoyed it.  It is on sale all day August 25th for only $10!  It’s so awesome and a perfect time to implement because of the new school year and upcoming seasonal changes!  This is the last time it will be on sale this year!



I also got an Erin Condren (affilate link) planner last year and kind of closed my eyes when I hit the checkout button because it’s a little pricy in my book!  However, I LOVE it, it’s the BEST. PLANNER. EVER!  I’ve already started picking my next one out.  It’s kind of driving me crazy with all the calendars that are coming home from school and I can only put in half the school year because my current planner only goes through December 2015.  I’m probably going to be ordering my next one in the next day or too!


What are your goals for the rest of this year?




I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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