Target: $14.28; 17 items; total savings $16.35
Dillon’s: $27.38; 19 items, 43 fuel points, total savings $46.97 (12 lbs of chicken breasts, free pasta, toothpaste, chips, cereal, yogurt melts)
I still need to run to Aldi’s to get milk, eggs, fruit & chicken nuggets! 🙂
Meal Plan:
Breakfast: cereal (x3), toast, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles
Lunch: chicken nuggets, fish sticks, sandwiches (x3), cheese tortillas, leftovers
Dinner: tacos, Fiesta Chicken burritos, mac, chicken stir fry, dinner out, potato bar, biscuits & gravy
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Somehow, I completely overlooked the chicken sale last week and bought chicken at Aldi. 🙁
I was originally going to buy it at Target cause it was cheaper, but when I got there I noticed that the Target bags are only 2.5 pounds, not 3.0, so it didn’t turn out to be a good deal! Oh well, I was already planning a trip to Dillon’s right after Target so it worked well! Besides, you have to live life too, it can’t all be about getting the best deals! As you know, you win some, you loose some! 🙂