
Shape Book

To review shapes, I usually have the children make a cute little shape book.



  • shape book pages (assembled into books)
  • shapes cut out of construction paper:

4 small circles/child

1 medium circle/child

5 small rectangles/child

7 small squares/child

  • books: The Shape of Things, Mouse Shapes, & Shapes
  • CD Sing to Learn
  • glue sticks

(when teaching this, I  put all of the pieces that each child would need in an individual zip top bag, that way, I only needed to hand out a bag to each child, and not count out each shape as I passed them out)



I usually took 2-3 days to complete this

  1. Listen to song #10 on the Sing to Learn CD
  2. read one of the books (shown below)  (I read a different book each day)
  3. pass out materials to the children
  4. model how to create each page
  5. have the children complete the page that was just modeled
  6. repeat steps 4 & 5 until completed or out of time
  7. for closure, I would read the book we are making to the children
  8. have the children put away all materials

Shape Book

Here are the words that are on each page (and what should be glued on the page)

      1. My Shape Book by: ______________  (children write their name)
      2. Rectangle, circle (glue on a rectangle and a circle)
      3. triangle, square. (glue on a triangle and square)
      4. I can be found anywhere.  (glue on a rectangle, circle, triangle, & square)
      5. On a hat (glue on a rectangle with a square on top to look like a hat)
      6. On a house (glue on a square with a triangle on top to look like a house)
      7. Even on a little mouse (glue on a big circle with two small circles on top, off to the side)  (should look like a Mickey Mouse head icon outline)
      8. Rectangle, circle (glue on rectangle & circle)
      9. triangle, square. (glue on a triangle and square)
      10. I can be found anywhere.  (glue on a rectangle, circle, triangle, & square)




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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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