Shape Book
To review shapes, I usually have the children make a cute little shape book.
- shape book pages (assembled into books)
- shapes cut out of construction paper:
4 small circles/child
1 medium circle/child
5 small rectangles/child
7 small squares/child
- books: The Shape of Things, Mouse Shapes, & Shapes
- CD Sing to Learn
- glue sticks
(when teaching this, I put all of the pieces that each child would need in an individual zip top bag, that way, I only needed to hand out a bag to each child, and not count out each shape as I passed them out)
I usually took 2-3 days to complete this
- Listen to song #10 on the Sing to Learn CD
- read one of the books (shown below) (I read a different book each day)
- pass out materials to the children
- model how to create each page
- have the children complete the page that was just modeled
- repeat steps 4 & 5 until completed or out of time
- for closure, I would read the book we are making to the children
- have the children put away all materials
Shape Book
Here are the words that are on each page (and what should be glued on the page)
- My Shape Book by: ______________ (children write their name)
- Rectangle, circle (glue on a rectangle and a circle)
- triangle, square. (glue on a triangle and square)
- I can be found anywhere. (glue on a rectangle, circle, triangle, & square)
- On a hat (glue on a rectangle with a square on top to look like a hat)
- On a house (glue on a square with a triangle on top to look like a house)
- Even on a little mouse (glue on a big circle with two small circles on top, off to the side) (should look like a Mickey Mouse head icon outline)
- Rectangle, circle (glue on rectangle & circle)
- triangle, square. (glue on a triangle and square)
- I can be found anywhere. (glue on a rectangle, circle, triangle, & square)
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