Autumn 3 & 4
See the first two days here.
Autumn Activities
Day 3
- Autumn books
- crayons
- pencils
- whiteboard & markers or construction paper & markers
- read
- make a list of autumn activities
- write the word and draw a picture
- get out the Autumn books and model turning to the third page, drawing a picture from the list and labeling it
- have the students do the same
- turn to the fourth page, draw a picture and label it
- have the students do the same
- when the children are done, have them bring you their book, look it over, put a sticker on it and give it back for them to take home
- read
Nuts To You
Day 4
- with an assortment of 10 nuts in them 1/student
- copies of graph
- crayons
- read
- have the children sit in a circle so that they can see your graph
- set out your graph and take a bag of nuts
- hold up a nut and ask the children where they think it should go on the paper
- place all the nuts from the bag on the paper in the correct row
- ask the children which one you have the most/least/same of etc
- then model choosing four different crayons (one for each type of nut)
- model picking up one nut and coloring in that space on the graph, do the same to the rest of the nuts (make sure to use a different color for each type of nut)
- instruct the children to go back to their seats, pass out the graphs and bags of nuts
- have the children place their nuts on the correct squares on their graph and then raise their hand
- if the children have correctly placed their nuts on the graph, tell them to color in the graph
- walk around and check for understanding and assist
- when the children are done, put a sticker/stamp on their paper and staple the note onto it, have them put it in their chair pockets to take home
- have them put their nuts back in their bags to take home to feed to the squirrels
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