Parenting / Products/Resources / Teaching

Talk To Your Child(ren) Challenge 2

Week 1: Read the blog post. Make eye contact when you talk to your child(ren). Try to “catch” your child being good and compliment them, sing a silly song about it, or cheer for them. Try to do this 2-3 times each day this week!!

Week 2: Make eye contact when you talk to your child(ren).  Try to make physical contact when you talk to your child this week (hold their hands, talk to them while they are on your lap, touch their face, etc).


Blog Post

I know this is a simple thing and many of us think that we do this, but do we really?



My experience as a teacher (and recently speaking to current teachers) has revealed that children lack good communication skills. They don’t know about give and take during a conversation. They don’t know that listening is a vital skill of communicating and conversing.

Read the rest of my guest post on I Can Teach My Child!

I Can Teach My Child

Here is another useful blog post.

A great book resource here.

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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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A Peek Into Our Week 4/8

April 8, 2013


April 12, 2013