Celebrating and Savoring a Simple Christmas
Chapter 1: Yes, You Need a Christmas Budget
Chapter 2: Making a List, Checking it Twice
Chapter 3: Creative and Inexpensive Gift Ideas
Chapter 4: Getting the Best Bang for Your Christmas Buck When Shopping Online
Chapter 5: Has Sending Christmas Cards Become Old-Fashioned and Out-Dated
Chapter 6: Creating a December Bucket List
Chapter 7: Slow Down and Savor the Christmas Spirit
Chapter 8: Christmas Foods and Baking
Chapter 9: Deck the halls with Christmas Décor on a Dime
Chapter 10: Every is Wrapped but Where’s My Floor?
Chapter 11: Don’t Forget Your Spouse
Chapter 12: Teaching Our Children to Be Givers
Chapter 13: Give Yourself Grace
My Thoughts
Did you know that Crystal doesn’t start Christmas preparations until December 1st? Pretty cool!
Chapters 6, 11, 12, & 13 were my favorite. Although I am almost done with my Christmas shopping already, this book was still very helpful to me. For instance, I always have grand ideas of activities I want to do, but don’t ever make a time or financial budget for such things. I always remember to send out Christmas cards, but hardly ever remember to budget for postage. I like to do some baking, but don’t usually add the ingredients into our budget.
My spouse and I grew up in very different families when it came to Christmas time. The first few years of marriage took some adjusting, because we hadn’t really communicated our expectations to one another. I also tend to get a little busy, and do sometimes forget to spend time with my husband during this time of the year.
I took a look at the printables and they look really nice. I didn’t print them off, because I already have a calendar, I’m mostly done with gifts, and already added ingredients to my grocery list, however, I would bet that I will be using them next year.
Favorite Quotes
- While the Christmas celebrations are fun and memorable, we want our children to learn from a young age to live for something bigger than themselves. There is so much blessing in living a life with outstretched arms. (56-57)
- What people remember most, are how they feel. Your family will remember whether they felt loved and relaxed or rushed and stressed, long after they’ve forgotten what gifts they received this year. (1106-1107)
- Some of the greatest misunderstandings often stem from unknown expectations that haven’t been met. (1130-1131)
- Whether we have little or an abundance, the more we open our hands and hearts to others and give generously, the more we’re blessed in return. (1193-1194)
- The toys will be forgotten or broken or grown out of in just a few very short months. But caring for other human beings, beyond our self, those are priceless lessons that will last a lifetime — and could very likely have a profound impact on our children. (1274-1276)