Lavender is known as the “Swiss Army Knife” of oils. It does so much!
It’s my first go to for almost any skin aliment. When I first got my kit, I went around and added lavender to almost every bottle of lotion I had (even if it was already lavender scented!)
It’s also great for stress relief, calming and sleeping.
It’s part of the allergy trio!
It’s amazing on sunburns. (Young Living sells this spray called Lavaderm, it has lavender in it, it’s amazing!) I have extra bottles to make sure I don’t run out of it!
I’ve also used the Lavaderm for razor burn!
I’ve put a couple of drops in my eyelash primer and I’ve noticed that my lashes appear to be darker and fuller.
Love putting lavender in my Epsom Salts for a nice, relaxing bath before bed.
It’s the first oil I ran out of.
According to the :
Lavender can “promote tissue regeneration and speed wound healing…” (pg 83).
“Antiseptic, antifungal, analgesic, antitumoral, anticonvulsant, vasodilating, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, reduces blood fat/cholesterol, combats excess sebum on skin.” (pg 3)
The book recommending using it for: “Respiratory infections, high blood pressure, atteriosclerosis, menstrual problems/PMS, skin conditions (perineal repair, acne, eczema, psoriasis, scarring, stretch marks), burns, hair loss, insomnia, nervous tension.”
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*This is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical issues. Please contact your physician with any concerns.