Books / Oils

Healing Oils of the Bible 5

[amazon_image id=”0934426988″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Healing Oils of the Bible[/amazon_image]


Chapter 5 is titled How Many Bible References to Essential Oils?

Obviously, this chapter is very factual.  I’m not a numbers person, but at times, it was fascinating to read, other times, it was dry.  Something to keep in mind though is that the Bible is not a reference guide for oils.  Oils are God’s intended medicines and were in everyday use by nearly every person during these time periods, so many inferences were made that were just second nature to those of the time.


Interesting Facts

There are 1, 031 references to essential oils…. (96).

“Most references are general, in that no specific oil or oils are named or indicated, but their use is clearly implied” (96).

The word oil appears 191 times in the King James Version of the Bible (96).

The two most mentioned oils are Myrrh with 156 and Frankincense with 81.  Next is hyssop with 12 times (101).

Spikenard: 17

Wormwood: 9

Balm: 6

Cedarwood: 6

Aloes: 5

Mustard: 5

Cypress: 5

Cinnamon, Cumin, Juniper:  4 each

Holy anointing oil: 65

Calamus: 5

Cassia and dill: 3 each

Coriander, Henna, Mint, and Pine: 2 each

Rose of Sharon and Rose of Isaiah: 1 each

Anise, Bay Leaf, Bdellium, Rue, Saffron: 1 each

Galbanum and Onycha: 1 each


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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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