A Little Bit of Independence 3
I believe that children need to have some independence as soon as they are able.
I’m not talking about having a run of the world kind of independence, but a little bit at a time.
Letting my six year old cross the street with just me watching.
Having my six year old wake up, get dressed, and ready for school on his own. (Well his alarm clock does help!) 🙂
Letting my four year old pour his own cereal and drinks.
Having my kids pick out their own clothes.
Making it my three year old’s responsibility to get her bag ready for swimming lessons.
Letting my 15 month old, climb up two small stairs at the playground and going down a short slide by himself.
Not rescuing my 15 month old, when his leg is bent the wrong way when he is trying to sit in a chair by himself. (I love the look of pride on his face when he accomplishes this by himself!)
My Beliefs
I do not think it is good for kids to grow up having everything done for them, handed to them, or being sheltered from things.
I believe it is better for children to gain a little more independence each year.
I believe they learn more when they figure things out by themselves.
I believe it makes them stronger to learn that they do not need Mommy for everything. (This is oh so hard for me. I always have to remind myself that parenting is doing what is best for my children, not for me!)
Week 1: Think of one thing that your child is perfectly capable of doing on their own, that you usually do for them. This week, have them “help” you do it. (Hopefully by the end of next week they will be able to do it all on their own.) Focus on them being such a big helper and praising them for their efforts!
Week 2: Have your child practice doing the action from week 1 by themselves. Stay close by for support, but try not to do it for them. Feel free to talk them through it! 🙂
Week 3: Add another action to have your child do by themselves this week.