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A Peek Into Our Week 4/14

2013-04-06 16.10.45Got “stuck” snuggling with my little one (my arm is underneath him)!

2013-04-13 18.12.32Found a toad while doing yard work.

2013-04-13 09.44.06Kids played “hot lava” with the couch cushions!

2013-04-10 12.16.52Silly boy can’t stand socks on his feet, so he puts them on his hands!  ;p

2013-04-10 12.16.46

2013-02-24 16.50.06Made apple butter because we ran out, so glad apples were on sale this week for 99 cents a pound!

2013-04-14 17.05.38My second son lost his first tooth!  🙂

What did you do this week?


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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