
A Peek Into Our Weeks 12/10-12/23

2013-12-14 10.15.46

Lots of Christmas baking! (Glad to finally see some counter tops!)

2013-12-15 14.22.47Made and sold freezer meals.

2013-12-14 21.26.49After driving around and looking at Christmas lights, we had s’mores!

2013-12-19 11.27.55

School Christmas parties!

2013-12-19 21.12.37Had pictures taken!

2013-12-21 19.18.40

 and dill bread!

2013-12-21 18.47.23Went through and thoroughly organized two kids bedrooms!

2013-12-23 10.26.14Wrapped presents!

2013-12-22 08.46.02Ready for the snow!

Things I Didn’t Do

(Again, this is not to make anyone feel bad if you choose to do these things.  Just proof that I’m not Supermom and can’t do it all!)


  • Make beds
  • Stay up to date on Advent activities
  • Go to a Holiday Open House we were invited to
  • Clean my bedroom

2013-12-23 10.27.38I mentioned last time that I didn’t make a cute snack mix for snack day.  However, one of the kids did bring this one day and I thought it was cute!  🙂

How have your weeks been?

I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Merry Christmas 2013

December 24, 2013