Baby Face Books
ALL of my children have loved Baby Face books.
We all know that reading to children is one of the best things we can do for them, however, not all of my children have loved reading time.
First Child
My first child loved to read, couldn’t get enough of it. It was a really good thing because that was something that was easy to do while I nursed baby brother. My first did not care what you were reading, he just loved being read to. He did have his favorites, but he is my book worm and still is to this day. He was reading at the end of preschool and absolutely loves it.
Second Child
My second did not like books. It was a struggle to get him to sit and listen to a book. When he was about six months old, we found these Baby Face books, and these were the only books that we could get through more than two pages. He really liked looking at the pictures of babies. Still to this day, he has his favorite books (mostly about cars and dinosaurs) that we reread all the time.
Third Child
My daughter liked to listen to books for the most part. She definitely had her favorites. She liked books that were sparkly and books with pictures of babies in them. She loved looking through the Baby Faces books all by herself.
Fourth Child
My fourth child is a lot like my second. These Baby Face books are the only books he will look at by himself and they are the only books that we can read all the way through before he is done with reading.
What I Like
- real pictures of actual babies/toddlers
- very simple text (usually not more than three words per page) (my oldest likes to read these to his baby brother!)
- board books (sturdy)
- great umping off point on social skills (soft touches, etc)
- great for reading when you are expecting another child
- great for teaching body parts
- good for talking about emotions, reading body language, etc
These books make great gifts and stocking stuffers! 😉 I recommend these books any time, but I’d say the target age would probably be 6 to 30 months.
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(Amazon affiliate)
I am not being compensated from Baby Faces for this post. We just really LOVE these books.