Bringing Up Girls
[amazon_image id=”1414301278″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women[/amazon_image]
Dr. Dobson has done it again! Another amazing book that I feel every parent MUST read! This is so good, I am ordering the audio book of this and of
- The Wonderful World of Girls
- Girls in Peril (unsettling, but information to be aware of)
- The Fair Sex
- Why She Is Who She Is (very eye opening, even to a woman)
- Teaching Girls to Be Ladies
- Embarrassing the Angels
- Girls and Their Mothers
- Young Women Talk about Their Fathers (eye opening)
- Why Daddies Matter (reminded me of an article I read in my college classes, dads are so important to their daughter’s self-esteem)
- Fathers to Daughters (must read the WHOLE thing)
- Cinderella at the Ball
- The Obsession with Beauty
- Related Questions and Answers
- The River of Culture
- Consequences (some very interesting and surprising facts, I learned a lot)
- Good News about Girls
- Charming Your Daughter (started tearing up, a MUST read)
- Bullies, Buddies, and Best Friends
- Questions and Answers about Puberty and Adolescence
- Protecting Your Daughter from Invasive Technology
- The Last Word
This book cemented many of my beliefs and education. I want to find the article that I read in college, I will be searching. I’ve always thought that dads are extremely important to their daughter’s development and this book opened my eyes even more. Dads hold the keys to so many factors when it comes to girls. Moms are important in many different ways, but dads really influence their daughters. “A girl’s sense of self-worth and personal dignity are directly linked to what she believes her father thinks of her” (84).
I also learned a little more about myself, as a woman from this book as well.
There are so many I would love to share, but these are the quotes I have to share:
- “Horace Mann said, “Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals.”” (39)
- “Women hold the keys to masculine behavior. Guys are inclined to take what they can get and be no more accommodating than they have to be” (48).
- “Females of all ages tend to interpret masculine silence as evidence of rejection” (94).
- “If we don’t get it from home, we will go out to the culture and get it from them.” (107)
- You need at least four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs for maintenance, and twelve hugs for growth. Dr. DeWitt Williams (216)
Dr. Dobson refers to this song in this book:
Must Read
Even if you don’t take the time to read this book (which will make me very sad), at least go to a library or book store, pick up the book and read the following sections:
- Prayer on page 81
- page 97
- Chapter 10; pages 99-104
- the virginity section on pages 164 to 165
- Healthy Adults Section; pages 192-194
- The Charm Bracelet (I was almost in tears); Chapter 17; pages 195-198
- Prayer on page 264
- Child Loaned poem on page 267
[amazon_enhanced asin=”1414301278″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”1414304501″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”B003TXMZE4″ /]
Please go and read this book!