Command Hooks & Lingerie Bags
I LOVE Command Hooks! I use them all over my house. I have started using the hooks and lingerie bags to sort/wash/organize our socks and underwear.
How it Works
I have at least one bag for each person. Each of the older kids have their own bag hanging on their own hook in the laundry room. I have one hanging on the wall on my side of the bed (as well as a plastic sack for trash), my husband has one on his side, and we have one in our bathroom.
When we have dirty underwear & socks we put them in the correct bag. At least, that’s the way it’s supposed to work. The kids will usually just put theirs on the floor. When it’s time for them to sort the clothes, they will put about 50% in their bags and the rest go with the rest of the laundry. When I am doing laundry and I find a misplaced item, I put it on the floor under their bags and have them sort them later. (They are getting better as we have been doing this longer.)
When it’s time to clean them, I collect all of the bags, make sure they are all zipped and throw them all in the washing machine along with a Color Catcher sheet. When they are done drying, I hand them back to their owner and tell them to put their socks and underwear away in their dressers and to return their bags to their hooks.
We’ve only been doing this for a little over a month and it’s going pretty well!
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You’re so much more organized than me! I’m just happy to get the laundry done and back in people’s drawers!
So you just throw the bag in the laundry and then it comes out all sorted and clean? Brilliant!
I’m really not that organized, but working on it daily! 🙂
Just make sure that the bags are zipped before you put them in the washer, if not, it kind of defeats the purpose!
Brilliant! Now you don’t have to handle anyone’s dirty underwear! But what do you do if they take off their socks by rolling them down and then leave them rolled so they can’t get clean or dry?
I love those bags! Here are several other ways to use them.
Thanks for the links. I also use zip up, white pillow cases to wash “hand washables”. My husband is really the only one that keeps them rolled up. When my kids take off their socks they are usually just inside out.
Since it’s my husband who keeps his rolled, I just wash them as is. He hasn’t mentioned if they don’t get cleaned, he’s stated that they may not be completely dry though.