Dairy & Protein Group
- songs from dole5aday
- The Dairy Group by Helen Frost
- Food Pyramid books
- crayons
- pencils
- white board
- white board markers
- listen to two songs from dole5aday
- read Dairy Group book
- as a class, make a list of foods in the dairy group, draw a picture and label on the white board
- have the children go to their seats and get out crayons and pencil as Food Pyramid books are being handed out
- model turning the model book to the fifth page (blue highlighted page); draw a picture and label it from the white board in the blue section of the Food Pyramid book
- have the children do the same in their book
- to check for understanding, have the children come up to you with their book when they have finished their page and tell you what they drew
- review foods in the dairy group
[amazon_enhanced asin=”1600147542″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0736848908″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0761363882″ /]
- songs from dole5aday
- The Meat & Protein Group by Helen Frost
- Food Pyramid books
- crayons
- pencils
- white board
- white board markers
- listen to two songs from dole5aday
- read Meat & Protein Group book
- as a class, make a list of foods in the protein group, draw a picture and label on the white board
- have the children go to their seats and get out crayons and pencil as Food Pyramid books are being handed out
- model turning the model book to the sixth page (purple highlighted page); draw a picture and label it from the white board in the purple section of the Food Pyramid book
- have the children do the same in their book
- to check for understanding, have the children come up to you with their book when they have finished their page and tell you what they drew
- collect the books
- review foods in the vegetable group
- listen to two more songs from dole5aday
[amazon_enhanced asin=”1432901532″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”1600147593″ /]
[amazon_enhanced asin=”0822546302″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0736848886″ /]
As you know by now, the pyramid has been changed to a plate. You could do the same steps, but make a plate book instead.