Eat Fat, Lose Fat
[amazon_image id=”0452285666″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Eat Fat, Lose Fat: The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats[/amazon_image]
Another interesting and fact filled book. I think I like this one better than
,just because it is less intimidating!
Facts Versus Fears About Fat
Fats, the Real Deal
Know Your Fats-and Your Nutrients
Our Nutritional Approach to Weight Loss
Real Food, the World Over
Quick and Easy Weight Loss
Health Recovery
Everyday Gourmet
Coconut Recipes
Traditional Recipes
page 6: “In fact, starving yourself is counterproductive, since it signals the body to hold on to fat.”
page 8: “Your body needs not only fats, but saturated fats, to nourish your brain, heart, nerves, hormones and every single cell.”
page 21: “An entire body of research implicated refined grains and sugars (especially high-fructose corn syrup)-not saturated fats-as the cause of obesity, and vegetable oils and trans fats as key factors in heart disease.”
page 52: “No research has ever shown that cholesterol in natural food causes heart disease.”
page 53: “Researchers have found that dietary calcium plays a key role in reducing the number and size of fat cells, and dieters who included plenty of dairy food were more successful at weight loss than those who did not.”
page 60: “The low-fat food you eat instead are nearly always high-carb food, which trigger the release of insulin, causing your body to store fat.”
New Things I Learned
She says that saturated fats have gotten misrepresented about how they contribute to cholesterol levels. It is my understanding that they increase the good cholesterol, however, scientists were just concerned about overall cholesterol and not the details. Butter is also good for you! 😉 (The decline in butter consumption has been linked to increasing sterility.) Although it doesn’t sound right, obesity is usually due to nutritional deficiencies. I also like how she described how the body will store fat and not allow weight loss if it is unsure that it will be provided with the foods it really needs. I have also been told by many friends that they stay away from dairy when they are trying to lose weight, this books suggests the opposite!
Recipes to Try
- Easy Coconut Chicken Soup 182
- Hawaiian Coconut Shrimp with Sweet-and-Sour Soy Sauce 186
- Mary’s Oil Blend 189
- Coconut Avocado Dip 190
- Chicken Pest Salad 191
- Baked Chicken with Coconut Peanut Sauce 196
- Mango Chicken 198
- Coconut Smoothie 206
- Coconut Granola 210
- Coconutty Butter 212
- Coconutty Fudge 212
- Coconut Almond Cookies 212
- Coconut Sprinkles 214
- Coconut Bars 217
- Coconut Milk Tonic 220
- Coconut Cocoa 221
- Coconut Kefir 222
- Chicken Stock 224
- Beef Stock 225
- Bread & Butter Pickles 231
- Cilantro Salsa 231
- Crab Cakes 246
- Stuffed Tomatoes 254
- Breakfast Cereal 258
- Crispy Nuts 259
- Kefir Sodas 262
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