

I usually took around six days to discuss emotions with my preschoolers! I would have an introduction day and then I used the other five days to discuss different emotions. For the introduction, I read a book, we discussed the pictures in the book, and then played emotion charades! On the days that we discussed specific emotions, I would read a book pertaining to each emotion and then they would draw a picture of their face when they felt that emotion (I just made my own blank book on the computer with the emotion word at the bottom). The emotions we discussed were: happy, sad, angry, afraid, pride. The books I liked to use to discuss emotions are:

At the beginning of this unit I send a note home asking the parents to “people watch” with their children and talk about body language and emotions!


Thank you Spiritual Travelman for the picture!


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Papa Murphy's

January 24, 2011

3-2-1 box

January 26, 2011