
Emotions: Scared


books: Brave Little Monster & Let’s Talk About Feeling Afraid

emotions books




  1. read Brave Little Monster
  2. have a discussion about situations/things that scare us
  3. pass out emotions book and have the child(ren) open to the scared page
  4. have the child(ren) show you their sad face
  5. in the model book, draw a scared face, stopping after each step to allow the child(ren) to accomplish the same step
  6. collect the emotions books to finish later
  7. read Let’s Talk About Feeling Afraid
  8. review emotions (happy, sad, mad, and scared)


journal about a time when the child(ren) were scared



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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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