Final Friday 10-28
October Goals
* organize/purge toys (a work in progress)
* organize office
* delete e-mails (work in progress)
* write letters to my children
* make working out a priority (does thinking about it more count?!)
* get more comfortable with our schedule (I asked someone to help us and it’s made a world of difference)
* move our bedtime routine up
* researching avenues to accomplish my dream
* go on our weekend getaway
* speak my husband’s love language (on going process, will never be checked off the list)
We have a schedule that is seeming to run so much smoother! I asked someone (who usually drives right by our house to take her son to school) if she would mind stopping to pick up my son and take him to school too. She kindly agreed and I am wondering why I took so long to ask, because it has made a world of difference.
I no longer am trying to squeeze in a morning nap for the baby (especially since we usually have something going on in the mornings, except for one day). Instead, we eat lunch and the baby and my daughter go and take their nap right after lunch.
While my son is waiting for his ride, I usually set him up at the table and have him do his homework notebook from school. I usually help him a little and start a load of laundry.
This has been a good month for us. Chores are going well (I will be writing a blog post about this soon). I am really trying to spend more quality time and one on one time with my kids. This has been pretty easy because the two older ones have been having a few days off school, but on different days.
We have been playing more board games and the kids just love it. I am also looking up activities to do during the holidays when they have a lot of time off school! (I LOVE it when my kids are out of school) 🙂
We went on our weekend get away (really it was a day and a half) and it was fabulous! I highly recommend this. We spent a lot of money this time, but we could have spent a lot less and still had a fabulous time. We are very lucky to have family that is willing to help us out and watch the kids.
The kids were so good for them, my aunt and uncle have already asked to do it again, and this time for a little bit longer period of time! 🙂
Our toy closet in the playroom is done! My husband did an amazing job!
The kids have really enjoyed having their toys back and been doing a great job (for the most part) of adhering to the rules we have set in place!
My focus for the house this month will be the garage (there are still quite a few toys in there) and the home office.
- Wish list made
Christmas Eve presentsTeacher presents(most are done)- Stocking stuffers (1.5 are done)
- Christmas letters & cards
Gifts for nieces- Gifts for husband
- Gifts for oldest (1 to go)
- Gifts for second oldest (1 to go)
- Gifts for daughter (1 to go)
- Gifts for the baby (2 to go)
- Decorate
- Wrap presents
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November Goals
- delete e-mails for at least 15 min 5 times a week
- go through toys in the garage
- organize the office
- play board games with the kids
- bake with the kids
- speak my husbands love language
- start working out 3 day a week
- research “dream” avenues
- read
What are your goals for the month?