Books / Oils

Healing Oils of the Bible 3

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Chapter 3 is titled: Atheistic Medicine and The Priesthood of Healing.

It talks about how priests used to be the ones who healed (pg. 36) until a few centuries ago.  It also compares and contrasts pharmaceuticals and essential oils.  The author is not very fond of pharmaceuticals, and is quite harsh about it, but does state that they do have a use and a purpose, just not to the extent that we are used to using them.



Here are a few things he has to say about pharmaceuticals:

“As for chronic disease and the common flues and colds (which represent 95% of the conditions people suffer), modern medicine has no cures, only treatments that never end.  The hidden objective of today’s medical profession is to generate as much repeat business as possible” (pg. 38).

“The roots of atheistic medicine are revealed in the roots of the world, “pharmaceutical.”  It comes from the Greek word, “pharmakeuein,” meaning “to practice witchcraft,” and the word “pharmokon,” meaning “poison.” (pg. 42).

“Pharmaceuticals are specifically designed to block specific receptor sites or to pass false information to certain cells in order to trick the body into giving up symptoms” (pg. 45)

“… prescription drugs have become the third leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease and cancer” (pg. 46).

“The value of a pharmaceutical is for temporary relief, which is sometimes necessary in order to survive until the real problem can be effectively addressed” (pg. 48).

“There is a time when success lies in the hands of physicians, for they too will pray to the Lord that he should grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving life” (Sirach 38:13-14) (pg. 54).


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“More than 100,000 people die every year in the United States from properly administered prescription drugs.  At least another 100,000 die from improperly administered drugs and other medical mistakes” (pg. 39).

“250,000 iatrogenic (doctor mistakes) deaths a year comes down to 5,000 deaths a week.  That is equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every day killing all the passengers and crew” (pg. 40).

There have been less than seven recorded deaths due to essential oils which were in England within the past 100 years (pg. 41).  “There has never been a case recorded anywhere of anyone dying from an essential oils administered by a qualified aromatherapist or taken according to common sense precautions (pg. 41).



The author states many times that “healing is a spiritual event, not a medical one” (pg. 48).  He mentions that “healing art without prayer and acknowledgement of God as the healer is likely to cause more harm then good…” (pg. 53).  He is very adamant about praying and asking God to use the oils to heal as you are applying them.



While I do think that this chapter can come across as being harsh, I do believe a lot of it to be true.  I do believe that modern medicine is more about making money than about helping and healing (especially on the government side).  I do believe that there are many doctors who truly want to help and believe that they are, but have their “hands tied” to a certain extent because of some of the laws that are in place.    I do believe that there is a time and place for modern medicine and science (like emergencies), but I feel that it is over utilized and that many times does a lot of harm, especially over long periods of time.  I have seen the cycle of destruction that only treating symptoms can cause.  I have also seen first hand the relief and renewed sense of hope that essential oils can bring.  I believe in the power of essential oils and I believe that they are a gift from God.


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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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