Books / Essential Oils / Oils

Healing Oils of the Bible 7, 8, 9

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These chapters were a little dry, but full of information.  Here’s a little review of these three chapters:


The Balm of Gilead

  • found 7 times in the Bible (121)
  • Genesis 37:25 (121)
  • Jeremiah 51:8 an analgesic with pain-relieving capabilities (121)
  • Theophrastes’ time a pound of balm was  sold for two pounds of silver (equivalent to about $150 today) (123)
  • rapid healing (123)

Roses of the Holy Land

  • It takes 3,000-5,000 pounds of organic rose petals to produce one pound of rose oil. (117)
  • Not necessarily what we think of “roses” today.
  • Name was applied to a variety of colorful blooms grown wild or cultivated in the Holy Land.  (127)
  • Today there are over 5,000 varieties of true roses that have been named and scientifically identified. (127)


Cedars of Lebanon

  • Ointments were always compounds of essential oils. (133)
  • Today, cedars of Lebanon are an endangered and protected species no longer available for their lumber nor for their essential oil. (134)
  • Today the oil is extacted from Cedrus atlanticus, a species similar to the Biblical cedars and which are found in Greece, Atlas Mountains of Morroco and Algeria.  (134)
  • …inhaling the oil of cedarwood increases the ability to think clearly and enhances the awareness needed for effective prayer and meditation.  (135) (Now which Biblical King made sure his home was made from cedarwood?)
  • The sesquiterpenes (98%) in cedarwood have the ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier and oxygenate the brain directly upon inhalation by way of the nasal passages and the olfactory nerves.  It has even been suggested that  cedarwood oil might prevent senility and Alzheimer’s disease.  (137)


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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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