Healing Oils of the Bible Chapter 2
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Chapter two is amazing. It’s titled How and Why Oils Can Heal. It is all about the biology of essential oils and how they work.
The chapter starts out with the author calling us to take responsibility for our own health. He wants us to use our brains and ask for God’s guidance to maintain it. “Much of what is called “alternative medicine” in today’s terminology is actually “original medicine”-that which was effective thousands of years ago but which has been forgotten (suppressed) and supplanted by the chemical/medical industry of modern times” (13). “Scientific medicine does not have all the answers. In fact, if you truly want to be healed, well, and whole they hardly have any of the answers-especially when it comes to chronic diseases” (13). “The beauty of oils as medicines is that they don’t have negative side effects like the synthetic drugs and chemicals of modern pharmacology” (19). Essential oils free you from the cyclical, money making trap of chemical concoctions.
One aspect that makes essential oils so effective is their “infinitesimal sizes.” They are so small they can cross the blood-brain barrier. Essential oils work in our bodies in much the same fashion as they do in plants. “Thus, they can support and balance our endocrine, circulatory, digestive, nervous and reproductive systems. They can clear our sinuses and lungs to help us breathe better. They can help us metabolize our nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. They can also boost the natural defenses of our immune systems so we can fight off disease by our own abilities” (16). “… the amazing abundance of healing properties of essential oils, they are also the world’s most powerful antioxidants that can gobble up free radicals in our bodies” (17).
On page 17, the author lists the most gentle Biblical oils as: sandalwood, balm, bay, bdellium, coriander, cedarwood, cumin, cypress, frankincense, galbanum, henna, juniper, myrrh, onycha, acacia, and spikenard. The stronger oils include: anise, calamus, cassia, cinnamon, dill, fir, hyssop, mint, mustard seed, pine, terebinth and wormwood.
This book also talks about the correlation of our emotions and physical illness. “Essential oils of every species cross the blood-brain barrier. This makes them uniquely able to address disease, not only from a physical level, but from a more basic and fundamental level-that of the emotions which are often the root cause of physical illness” (27).
Ready for some biology? Pages 28 and 29 go all in! Here are a few snippets, but I highly recommend reading these two pages thoroughly!
“But one drop of essential oil contains enough molecules to cover every cell in our bodies with 400,000 molecules.”
“… the most important function performed by phenols and phenylpropanoids is that they clean the receptor sites on the cells. ”
“… the most important ability of the monoterpenes is that they can reprogram miswritten information in the cellular memory (DNA) (restoring God’s image, Genesis 1:26). With improper coding in cellular memory, cells malfunction and diseases result, including lethal ones, such as cancer.”
“… sesquiterpenes can delete that garbled information. At the same time the oxygen carried by sesquiterpenes molecules creates an environment where cancer cells can’t reproduce. Hence, sesquiterpenes deliver cancer cells a double punch-one that disables their coded misbehavior and a second that stops their growth.”
On page 34 he lists “Six Ways that Essential Oils Support Us:”
- “As fighters against unfriendly microbes.
- As balancers of bodily functions.
- As raisers of our bodily frequencies
- As antioxidants that purify our systems.
- As clearers of negative emotional baggage.
- As uplifters of our spiritual awareness.”
Here are books that were mentioned in this chapter:
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