Healing Oils of the Bible (Intro)
[amazon_image id=”0934426988″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Healing Oils of the Bible[/amazon_image] This is an amazing book with a wealth of information. There is so much that I’ve decided to blog my way through the book! I have over 20 pages of typed notes on it. I’m so excited that I hope to start teaching a class about the oils and the book. Yes, I’m so crazy that I even took notes on the intro!
What’s It About
I feel like the book says it best, “The purpose of this book it to educate and inspire you to realize the infinite care and detail to which our creator has gone to provide for us the medicines we need to heal and maintain our health. It is not for us to create these healing substances. God did that already. It is for us to tune in with his wisdom and his will and to educate ourselves in how to restore our wellness and maintain our health by the use of his natural creations. … God made them and gave us the intelligence to discover and learn how to use them.” Now the author is not a huge fan of pharmaceuticals, but even he says that sometimes they can be necessary and helpful. Many modern drugs can work really fast, which is great in an emergency. However, many times they leave a wake of destruction and this is where the oils come into play. Oftentimes, oils take a little while to work, but that’s because they have the power to heal. “Healing is a holistic spiritual term, not a medical one.” “Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules that can penetrate into every cell, administering healing therapy at the most fundamental levels of our bodies” (XVI).
“Synthetic prescriptions all have undesirable side effects even when taken according to a doctor’s directions” (XVI). Usually people end up taking many medications for one thing. Since the original medication has so many undesirable side-effects, other medications are prescribed to ease those. It’s an endless, disastrous cycle. This is quite the opposite with oils. Oils (when used correctly and cautiously) do not have horrific side-effects. Many can be used at the same time and “they work in harmony” (XVI). “…essential oils are a gift from God” (XVII). “Seventy percent of the books of the Bible mention essential oils, their uses, and/or the plants from which they are derived” (XVIII). “Can a system that delivers services under the name of “health care” really deliver health when it fails to acknowledge the very source from which flows all of life and vitality?” (XXV). “The sun is the sole source of sunshine whether we believe in it or not. God is the sole source of healing whether we realize it or not” (XXV).
I cannot wait to share more of this book with you. Get your own copy and follow along with me!
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