I Am
I taught this lesson at the very beginning of school so that the students would learn to recognize their written name and learn the names of their classmates!
with names of students on them (3 per student)markers
Black construction paper strips (big piece cut in half, horizontally)
white gel pen
different colored paper confetti squares
big white construction paper
small bowls
Day 1
Play song #3 on
Do the I Am Interactive chart with each students name (model pointing to each word as it is being read)
On the chart paper, write the sentence “I am (then give clues to have the children guess a student in the class, and then write their name for the last word of the sentence). Do this for every child.
Pass out one copy of each student’s “I am _________” sentence strip to them, have them point to each word as they read it out loud.
Pick up sentence strips.
Listen to song #10 on
.Do the Stand Up Interactive Chart and have the students do the actions when their name is on the chart.
Send home the All About Me Printables and have the parents help their children fill them out and bring them back completed.
Day 2
Play song #3 on
Do the I Am Interactive chart with each students name (have the child come up and point to each word as it is being read)
Have the students go to their seats.
Model drawing a self portrait on a big white piece of construction paper, make sure that it’s vertical. Glue your “I am _______” sentence strip to the bottom of your portrait.
Pass out the white construction paper to the students and have them draw their self portrait.
Help each student glue their “I am _____” sentence strip to the bottom.
Collect the self portraits (make them into a class book by laminating and binding the pages together)
Pass out one copy of each student’s “I am _________” sentence strip to them, have them point to each word as they read it out loud.
Pick up sentence strips.
Listen to song #10 on
.Do the Stand Up Interactive Chart and have the students do the actions when their name is on the chart.
Day 3
Play song #3 on
Do the I Am Interactive chart with each students name (have the child come up and point to each word as it is being read).
Read the “I am _____” chart made on day 1.
Have each child share their All About Me book (printables that were sent home). (only do half the class today)
Have the students go to their seats.
Pass out their “I am ______” sentence strip and a plastic zip top bag.
Have the students cut the sentence strip into words (they should have 3 pieces: I, am, and their name).
Have them put their sentence strip in the correct order and read it out loud. Place all pieces in the bag.
Read the self portrait class book (made on day 2).
Listen to song #10 on
.Do the Stand Up Interactive Chart and have the students do the actions when their name is on the chart.
Day 4
Play song #3 on
Do the I Am Interactive chart with each students name (have the child come up and point to each word as it is being read).
Read the “I am _____” chart made on day 1.
Have each child share their All About Me book (printables that were sent home). (do the other half of the class today)
Have the students go to their seats.
Pass out their “I am ______” sentence strip bags.
Have them put their sentence strip in the correct order and read it out loud. Place all pieces in the bag.
Read the self portrait class book (made on day 2).
Listen to song #10 on
.Do the Stand Up Interactive Chart and have the students do the actions when their name is on the chart.
Day 5
Play song #3 on
Do the I Am Interactive chart with each students name (have the child come up and point to each word as it is being read).
Get out the black construction paper strips and model gluing (a little dab will do ya) on the confetti onto the white lines
Pass out the materials and instruct the students to do the same (it makes it easier to pick up if you put the confetti in bowls and have 2-3 kids share a bowl)
Let the names dry and then hang them up in the hallway.
talk about the difference between a word and a letter
count how many words are in a sentence
count how many letters are in a word
talk about capital letters starting a sentence
talk about periods and the ends of sentences
talk about the space between words
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