Ice Painting
Now this isn’t the cutest painting, but it’s a very fun sensory activity! 🙂
- Ice by Melvin and Gilda Berger
- mittens (1/child)
- construction paper (1/child; I liked to use dark blue)
- ice cubes (1/child)
- listen to song #22 on
- review winter weather, clothing and activities
- read Ice
- pass out construction paper, mittens and ice cubes
- talk about the properties of ice (cold, wet, slippery, etc)
- put some powder paint on the model construction paper and model painting by moving the ice around in the powder paint (ice must be starting to melt in order for this to work); now put on a glove and paint
- instruct the students to do the same
- as the children are painting ask them how the ice feels, then have them put on the mitten and ask them how it feels with the mitten on
- lay the paintings out to dry (make sure names are on them)
- review the properties and cycle of ice (cold, slippery, melted & became water)
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