I’m Still Alive
I’m so sorry, it was not my intent to be gone this long.
Life Happened
I was planning on coming back to blogging at the beginning of January, hopefully refreshed and knowing a little more of what I want this blog to be. However, right after Christmas, I got sick! I was in bed for almost an entire week (good thing my husband was home for most of it and that I’ve taught my 7 year old how to make sandwiches and other things, because when my husband went back to work, my 7 year old was a life saver! When the older boys went back to school, I’ll have to say I’m so thankful to have the money to order pizza online, otherwise I’m not sure how the younger two would have eaten that day!). This week, I’ve felt a little better, but if I did anything, I’d have to rest for at least 30 minutes afterward, which made it hard to get much done! Take a shower, rest for 30 minutes; fix lunch, rest for 30 minutes, etc. Things that I usually have no problem at all of staying on top of, got forgotten! The bare minimum has been getting done around here lately.
So I’d like to say that I’ll be back very soon, but I’m just not sure that I can commit to that right now. Today is the first day since December 27th that I’ve felt somewhat normal, however, I’m scared to over do it and end up back in bed. I have so much to get caught up on (we still have Christmas up), so I have a feeling, it’s going to take me awhile!
I still don’t feel completely settled in our new house. There are still a few routines that we need to hone. However, I feel like we’ve gotten to the place where we can’t really unpack anything else, until we have money to get it organized the way we want.
Being in bed, I’ve had a lot of time to think about lots of stuff. There is so much that I’d like to do with my blog, but if I’m being honest, I don’t know if it’s going to be a possibility. I know that if I want my blog to grow that I need to be consistent in my blogging, but at least for the rest of this month, I’m not sure I can promise that.
I think I’m going to only post things three times a week (when I get back up and running).
I am planning on getting rid of my shopping posts, I’m really just tired of doing them, sorry. I am planning on sharing my weekly plan, but it will probably just be a picture of my sheet after it’s filled out. I do feel like being intentional is very important, but I also feel like other bloggers do a good job of this, so I don’t really want to copy off of them.
I have really enjoyed the monthly parenting challenges and plan on keeping those. I have a couple of other things in mind, but not sure how realistic they will be in this season of our lives.
If this blog really helps you and you enjoy reading it, please leave comments, it really helps me persevere when I get discouraged! If there is something you would like me to consider blogging about or something you are struggling with, please let me know and I’ll see if I can help you at all!
Let’s Talk
Let me know what you like most about the blog. What other things would you like to see here? What are you struggling with right now in parenting/life/finances?