
Jack O’Happy



  • copies of Jack O’Happy books
  • crayons




  1. read
  2. review the
  3. have the students go to their  seats and get out an orange, black, and brown crayon, along with their pencil
  4. pass out the books and have the students write their name
  5. ask the children to show you their happy face
  6. model turning the page, drawing a circle and coloring it orange, then drawing circle eyes with curved eyebrows, a nose and a happy face, and a stem
  7. have the children do the same
  8. have the children show you their sad face
  9. model turning the page, drawing a circle and coloring it orange, then drawing droopy eyes and eyebrows, a nose, a pouty mouth and a stem
  10. have the students do the same
  11. have the students show you their spooky face
  12. model turning the page, drawing a circle and coloring it orange, drawing wide open eyes and curved eyebrows , a nose, and an open mouth
  13. have the students do the same
  14. have the students show you their mad face
  15. model turning the page and drawing a pumpkin with slanted eyes and eyebrows, a nose, an angry mouth and stem
  16. have the students do the same
  17. model turning the page and drawing a pie
  18. have the children do the same
  19. when the students are done, have them turn to the front cover and then read the book, page by page, as an entire class, try to make sure all students are on the same page and reading at the same time while pointing to each word
  20. have the students take the books home
  21. read


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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Weekly Goals 11/19/12

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