
Letters To My Children

Yea!  I only have one more letter to write and then I am up to date on my letters that I write to my children!  I write letters to my children to explain what they are going through at that time, how big they are, what their favorite foods, toys, hobbies, etc are!  My intent is to one day include them in a scrapbook and give it too them before they get married!  When they are newborns, I like to write them a letter every three months or so!  They just change so fast during that first year!  Then after the first year then I usually write two to three a year!  It is really neat to go back and read them and see how they are all different, but also how much they are the same too!  Sometimes I feel a little stressed about it, because it just seems to be “one more thing” on my To Do list, but to me it’s worth the time and effort!  I already cherish these letters and I’m just assuming that they will be even more cherished as time goes by!  I really hope that my children will cherish them as well when I give them to them!  One way I make this task a little easier is by having a “Letter Idea” sheet in our family binder that I use everyday, this way when they do or say something that I want to remember, I simply  jot down a few notes to remind myself.  Each letter usually includes their height, weight, favorite foods, eating habits, sleeping habits, favorite toys & TV shows, how they interact with siblings, what we did for holidays/birthdays, their new favorite toys, I usually quote them and write exactly what they say phonetically, so that I can remember how they talked (for example my two year old tells me all the time, “No Mommi, I do et!”)!

How do you record your children’s   milestones?


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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