Parenting with Love and Logic
[amazon_image id=”1576839540″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Parenting With Love And Logic (Updated and Expanded Edition)[/amazon_image]
This book was not as easy to read as some of their other books. I don’t know if it was because this was about the third Love and Logic book I had read in a row or what, but it took me some time to get through, and it’s not a very long book.
However, I think this would be a good book to really focus on more background knowledge when it comes to Love and Logic.
Raising Responsible Kids
Responsible Children Feel Good About Themselves
Different Parenting Styles
Setting Limits Through Thinking Words
Gaining Control Through Choices
Empathy with Consequences
Getting Ready for School
There were many quotes in this book that I really like, however, most of them are paragraphs, so I won’t be typing them out.
page 20 Parenting with Love and Logic
page 33 “I am what I think you think I am.”
page 45 Encouragement vs. praise
pages 67 & 69 Setting limits
page 104 “Empathy without rescue.”
page 140 Raising entitled, demanding children
Overall, this is a good book. However, if you are pressed for time and/or just beginning with Love and Logic, I would pick up some of their other books first! 🙂
[amazon_enhanced asin=”1576839540″ /]