We’ve been in our new house for over a year now. I can hardly believe it. We are starting to get settled into our new church and the kids’ new schools. I’ve noticed that since we’ve moved, my perspective has changed a bit.
Thank you Simply Real Moms for the picture.
Dream House
When we decided t move, we made the decision that we didn’t want to wait to see if we would be able to ever afford our dream house. For one, our views on our dream house are totally different and we weren’t sure we wanted the responsibility of owning a house that big. I love our new house and hopefully soon we will be able to revamp it a bit to help be totally conducive to our lifestyle. Our new house is in a different part of the city and there are some really large houses around us. I know that a few years ago, I would have been envious of these beautiful houses, now I just think about the responsibility it would take to own a house that large and that I would much rather prefer to live in a smaller house and be able to give more of our money and time, because owning a big house does take more time.
I love how much space we have in our new house. It’s large enough were we can each have our own space, but not so large that I feel like I could lose one of the kids (although there are days when I think that might be nice!) 😉 When we lived in our old house and we would go over to some friends’ house, I always noticed how big there house felt. Now, sadly, I’ve gotten used to our new space and their space seems cramped!
Right now, unfortunately, in this season of life, I have become less strict with our budget. 🙁 Convenience has been winning out lately and that comes at a price. I’m hoping to be able to reign this in very soon and get back on track! We met with our financial advisor not too long ago and really discussed retirement. We really need to put the petal to the metal and get on that bandwagon and fast!