Here are a list of some of my favorite things to have for newborns and nursing babies!
- Boppy Pillow
- Co-Sleeper (this is also easy to tear down and take with you out of town). We used this instead of a play pen for our first two children! Each one of my children have also used this instead of a crib for the first 6 months of their lives!
- Baby Swing
I don’t know how many times this saved us! Sometimes our children would sleep in it overnight, it’s the only place that would calm them down!
- Travel Swing The actual swing that we have is no longer available, but this was a must have for me! When I was teaching and had to do things at school, I would take this with me. I would also use it while I was in the shower or cooking! It is very easy to move to different rooms! Also easy to take when you travel with baby!
- Baby Sling Good way to carry a baby, but still have free hands! I have even used this in public to cover up while nursing. I remember walking through Sam’s with my first child nursing in the sling. A complete stranger, walked up and pulled a little bit of the sling down so that she could see my son, she got a little more than she bargained for when she saw that I was nursing (hopefully she learned a lesson!), she commented on how cool the sling was, apologized and quickly walked away!!
- Motherwear Nursing Clothes
- Bumbo Baby Seat This came out when I had my second child and it was a life-saver! He wanted to be “up” and see what was going on way before his body was able to!
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What are your favorite newborn items?
I loved my Hooter Hider. It made nursing in public really private but wasn’t nearly as hot as using a blanket. Plus, I loved being able to see my baby the whole time.
I have seen those, they are nice! I already had my sling and it had a double use so I just kept using that. Blankets are also difficult because two of my kids would not nurse if they couldn’t see my face!!