

[amazon_image id=”B001QCX1G6″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Senses (Kingfisher Young Knowledge)[/amazon_image]


Day One


  • Dixie cups
  • banana
  • vinegar
  • toothpaste
  • coffee
  • orange
  • blind folds


  1. listen to songs #17 & 18 on
  2. read pages 26-31 in
  3. tell the students that we are going to do a fun activity
  4. do experiment on pages 44 & 45 in
  5. blindfold the children, put an item in a cup and place it under each child’s nose, after every child has had a chance to smell it, ask them what they smelled (make sure to tell them not to make any noise or say anything until everyone has smelled it!)
  6. repeat step #5 for all items
  7. review the 5 senses


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Day Two


  • homemade Senses books
  • pencils
  • crayons
  • white board or construction paper
  • white board markers or regular markers




    1. Play songs #17 & 18 on CD
    2. read and
    3. make a class list of things we smell on the white board (draw a picture and label it with one word)
    4. continue #3 until everyone has had the chance to share their idea
    5. pass out the senses books
    6. model turning to the nose page, model drawing and labeling
    7. instruct the children to do the same
    8. when the children are finished, have them bring their book to you to check
    9. hold on to the books
    10. review the 5 senses


[amazon_enhanced asin=”0516259911″ /]


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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