[amazon_image id=”B001QCX1G6″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Senses (Kingfisher Young Knowledge)[/amazon_image]
Day One
- Dixie cups
- banana
- vinegar
- toothpaste
- coffee
- orange
- blind folds
- listen to songs #17 & 18 on
- read pages 26-31 in
- tell the students that we are going to do a fun activity
- do experiment on pages 44 & 45 in
- blindfold the children, put an item in a cup and place it under each child’s nose, after every child has had a chance to smell it, ask them what they smelled (make sure to tell them not to make any noise or say anything until everyone has smelled it!)
- repeat step #5 for all items
- review the 5 senses
[amazon_enhanced asin=”B001QCX1G6″ /]
Day Two
- homemade Senses books
- pencils
- crayons
- white board or construction paper
- white board markers or regular markers
- Play songs #17 & 18 on CD
- read and
- make a class list of things we smell on the white board (draw a picture and label it with one word)
- continue #3 until everyone has had the chance to share their idea
- pass out the senses books
- model turning to the nose page, model drawing and labeling
- instruct the children to do the same
- when the children are finished, have them bring their book to you to check
- hold on to the books
- review the 5 senses
[amazon_enhanced asin=”0516259911″ /]