The Sparkle Box
[amazon_image id=”0824956478″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Sparkle Box: A Gift with the Power to Change Christmas[/amazon_image]
I was made aware of this book last Christmas. I didn’t buy the book then, but did implement it’s concept.
I fond a box and when we gave to others throughout the month of December, we wrote what we did on a strip of paper and placed it in the box.
On Christmas morning, before we opened up any other presents (or even our stockings), we opened “Jesus'” present. I hope the kids remember it this year and are excited about it.
This year I did order the book. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is great. I cannot wait to read it to the kids.
The book comes with a box that you can put together and use.
- giving money (or food) to a food pantry
- giving to Toys for Tots
- make Blessing bags to give out to people who are homeless and hand them out
- volunteer
- hold open the door for someone
- visit a nursing home
- Operation Christmas Child
I absolutely LOVE this new Christmas tradition!
What ideas would you like to add to our list?
[amazon_enhanced asin=”0824956478″ /]