

My wallet is actually a coupon organizer.

Since we use cash as often as possible, I use my “coupon organizer” as my wallet.

I have marked it with the categories that we use cash for.  When I go to the bank, I ask for specific cash back (I tell them how many $50s, $20s, etc. I need).  I then divide out the cash into the correct category.


I like this because it’s easy to tell how much money we have budgeted for that category.

It also makes it a little bit inconvenient to “barrow” from another category.

I also use it to store a few coupons for things that I don’t want to put in my big coupon box (like clothing or activity coupons).



Mine is rather large, so it takes up quite a bit of space in my purse.

It’s harder to figure out exactly how much cash we have on hand.



I cannot find my specific organizer online.  I bought it at Office Depot four years ago, it’s a Pendaflex.

Here are some things that look similar:

[amazon_enhanced asin=”B0035LMG1W” /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”B003ZVUIZ8″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”B003GUTYAI” /]

[amazon_enhanced asin=”B002BWS3N6″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”B003BWS9G6″ /]



I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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December 6, 2011


December 7, 2011