
Chore Chart Update


Our biggest obstacle right now when it comes to chores is my oldest’s attitude, which, of course, is rubbing off on the younger ones.  My oldest does not understand why he has to do chores, “They just take so long,” he says.



When I was reading Dare to Discipline, James Dobson, mentions that waiting to reward kids looses its impact the longer the time period is between the action/behavior and the reward.  So, I am trying hard to remember to give “tickets” after they have done their chores.  This also helps my younger kids know what day we are on.


Going Well

I do like that my 3 year old has learned how to do some chores earlier, just by “helping” her brothers.  She already wipes down the bathroom sinks, counters, and toilets.

I still take some tickets away before they get to pick out of the treasure box because we want them to know that they need to do chores because they are part of a family and because when you earn “money” the government takes some (income tax).

One ticket=I thing out of the treasure box.  Things that are in the treasure box:  coupons for: more TV time, more video game time, date with Mom, & date with Dad; candy; quarters; free or very inexpensive items: tape, toys, stickers, pencils, etc.

I am still surprised that the candy and coupons are the first things to go.  They usually don’t choose the quarters until last!


Read my previous post on our chore chart.


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Home Organization Binder

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