How I Stay “In-Shape”
Being in shape is a relative term. However, an acquaintance asked me if I could blog about how I stay in shape. I told her, that honestly, I was born with good genes, I don’t do what I should to stay in shape.
I am not an expert in this area, but I do know a little. So I thought I’d go ahead and share my 0.02 cents! 🙂
- Drink lots of water
- Drink 8 oz of water before sitting down to eat a meal
- Eat a handful of almonds before sitting down to eat a meal
Use a smaller plate (we use “salad” plates as our dinner plates)
- Eat slowly
- Do not eat while watching TV or surfing the web. Most people eat a lot more than they would normally eat if they are distracted while eating, you don’t notice that you’re full.
- Pay attention to your body, when you are full, stop eating. Even if you only have a couple of bites left. The food can either go to waste in the trash, or it can go to waste ON your body.
- Keep healthy snacks around the house, snack often
- Exercise regularly (do lunges while vacuuming, play with your child by lifting them up in the air, put them on your bent legs while you are on your back and do crunches)
- When walking (push a stroller and tighten your abs, butt, shoulders, chest, legs, etc)
- Workout at the playground
- Get enough sleep
- Do not eat anything for at least three hours before going to bed
- Do not eat too much sugar or salt