

A while ago, I blogged about making sure to tell kids what they can do instead of what not to do (for example: say “walk” instead of “don’t run.”)


So a couple of nights ago, my daughter had the chore of cleaning up her room.  She said that her room was clean, however, I said that she needed to pick up her closet because her idea of a clean room, is just tossing everything in the closet.


This is what I got:

Looks pretty good huh?!  Except for one thing; what did she do with all of the toys that are supposed to be in her closet?



She did what I asked, she picked up the things in her closet and got the toys off the floor.


Our reaction was to just laugh.  We couldn’t get mad at her, after all, she did do what I asked!  🙂


So over the next few days, we will slowly migrate the toys to where they belong.  I will try to remember to take a picture and post it in the closet so that she knows what it’s supposed to look like!


Gotta love kids.


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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