

My Thanksgiving Unit usually took 3 days.



Day 1





  1. read
  2. read
  3. make a class list of things that the students are thankful for
  4. model drawing and labeling one thing from the list on a colored construction paper square
  5. pass out a square to each child and have them do the same, have them put their name on the back
  6. pass out another square and instruct the children do pick another thing on the list
  7. collect all the squares and make a class quilt
  8. read


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Other wonderful Thanksgiving books:

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[amazon_enhanced asin=”0439669375″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0439105668″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0310711622″ /]

[amazon_enhanced asin=”0439459486″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0843114169″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0140565957″ /]

[amazon_enhanced asin=”0823419797″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0807578177″ /]


Day 2


  • clip art pictures
  • Venn Diagram worksheet
  • crayons
  • pencils


  1. read
  2. talk about the difference between the first Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving as we know it
  3. have the diagram out and discuss the sections of the diagram, see if the students can come up with what the middle section is all by themselves
  4. show the clip art cards one at a time and discuss which section of the diagram it goes in and then place it there accordingly
  5. have the students go to their seats (leave the diagram up)
  6. model completing the worksheet by drawing and labeling at least one thing in each section
  7. pass out the worksheets for the students to complete
  8. read


[amazon_enhanced asin=”0590331280″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0823419797″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”B000Q4A1RM” /]


Indian Art

Day 3


  • brown circles traced on construction paper (1/child)
  • red, green, orange, purple, yellow strips 8×4 (1 strip of each color/child)
  • blue strip 6×3 (1/child)
  • markers
  • glue
  • scissors


  1. read
  2. show model Indian
  3. model cutting out the circle
  4. pass out materials and have the children do the same
  5. model taking on strip of colored paper and tearing around the edge to make it look like a feather and glue to the back of the circle
  6. pass out materials and have the children do the same
  7. model drawing a pattern on a blue strip and gluing to the front of the circle
  8. pass out materials and have the children do the same
  9. model drawing eyes, eyebrows, nose, & mouth
  10. have the children do the same
  11. have the children write their name on the back and set them aside to dry




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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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