
Bedtime Routine

I think pretty much the only time we didn’t have a bedtime routine is when we only had one child and when he was a newborn!  We usually start our routine 30-45 minutes before the kids’ bedtime.  Every other day, they get baths, so on those days, that’s the first step of our routine.  Pretty much our routine is, tell the kids to get their pajamas on, they go brush their teeth, we read books (usually 3), give kisses and hugs and tuck them in!  We have been pretty lucky and they usually don’t get out much.  If they do happen to get up, we usually just ignore the first time (unless it becomes a habit).  Then if they get up again, they have to “pay” us each and every time they get out.  We usually give them three choices of appropriate   payment (toys, money, blankets, etc.  Of course we choose things that mean a lot to that particular child!) and they can choose between those!   Bedtime at our house is usually not stressful!


When one of our children was a newborn, he fought going to sleep, so his routine at that time was a little different!  We would bathe him and get him dressed.  I would nurse him and then we would give him a baby massage and then put him to bed.  We also found that turning off/dimming the lights and making the house a little quieter (turning off the TV) seemed to help!  This seemed to help a lot!  Our first child liked to fall asleep with soft, classical lullaby music on.


What is your bedtime routine?


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!


April 19, 2011 at 7:28 AM

We have a routine for our two youngest. Its bath, read & let them get out a few minutes of discussion. They always seem to want to talk at bedtime.

April 19, 2011 at 7:33 AM

That’s a great addition! 🙂

April 19, 2011 at 8:36 PM

Our routine is fairly similar. Only, with our first, we struggled early on in her toddler years. It was quite stressful and I kind of want to forget about it. LOL Thanks so much for stopping by Toronto Teacher Mom and for joining in UBP11!

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