
Crazy Days

We have had a couple of interesting days here and I thought you might enjoy a laugh!  🙂


What’s that Smell!?!

The other day we were having chicken nuggets for lunch and I was really craving some homemade french fries.  So I proceeded to get out our tiny fryer from the back of the cabinet and start heating it up.

I started to clean and cut the potatoes and get the chicken nuggets into the oven.

I started to smell a strange, burning smell.  I thought, oh, well maybe the fryer is low or almost out of oil.  I open up the lid to find ………


one of our favorite bibs!  So I grabbed a few towels, picked the bib up out of the fryer and took it to the laundry room.  I then drained the oil in the fryer and proceeded heating up the new oil after I cleaned everything up!

Here is what the bib now looks like after it’s been cleaned:

There is a small hole close to the shoulder and a huge hole in the sleeve.  It is also very discolored in many places.

What’s for Dinner?

This past weekend, I had a lunch date with my friend Crystal from Money Saving Mom.  We had a great time and got into some very deep and emotional conversation.  I left late (like always, we always loose track of time when we are together) so I called my husband to let him know.  He had to be somewhere at 5 PM, and I was leaving at 4:45, it would take me 15 minutes to get home and it would take him 20 minutes to get where he needed to be.

I also called to double check that he was starting on dinner, otherwise, he would be unable to eat before he left.

When I called, my husband was very mad at himself.  He was finishing up painting our hallway (half of it has been painted for months), when he spilled paint all over the carpet!  So needless to say, he was not starting dinner and I now had an assignment of finding out where his parents carpet cleaner was.

I got home and he was still cleaning up.  He finished up as fast as he could and took off.

After a while the kids started getting hungry.  Sure I could’ve tried NOT to burn or under cook the bacon for BLTs, but they are always so much better when Kris cooks the bacon.  I really was not in the mood to cook, nor did I want to get financially creative to find the money to go out and get something.

Then I remembered that the kids had asked for cereal that day, but on the weekends we always make homemade pancakes or waffles.  So I figured that we could just have… you guessed it… cereal for dinner!

The kids LOVED it.  There was no complaining about dinner at all, it was so nice.  I also loved dinner (I love cereal, but haven’t been eating it as often), it was a nice change.  So I have it on the menu to do again, especially during lent!  🙂



What have been some crazy days at your house?


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!


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Shopping 3/18/12

March 18, 2012