
Gearing Up for Summer Break

School’s Out for Summer!

I think it’s very important to “plan” out summer activities, especially academic activities so that your children don’t lose much over the summer!  I think it needs to be very laid-back, but I think it’s essential to accomplish!  (Trust me, your child’s teacher will thank you).

Here’s our plan:


Every summer I make sure to make or buy the kids workbooks.  We will usually do 2-4 pages in the workbook 3-4 times a week.  I really try to make or buy what I think will motivate each child.  My oldest loves workbooks and being on the computer, so I bought

which also has a link to more activities on the computer.  I’ve never used this book before, so I’ll let you know later what I like and dislike about it!  My second can be harder to motivate and he gets bored a little faster, so I choose to get him workbooks with his favorite characters in them: .  My youngest will probably just be thrilled to be “big” and doing “homework” like her brothers, so I got her some workbooks we’ve used in the past and really loved:, and  .

I will also have my oldest draw a picture and do a

journal.  I started this before he went to Kindergarten, but I do not think my second is to this point yet, he might be towards the end of summer.



This year, to practice handwriting, my son’s teacher had them write out Bible verses.  They came home and are so pretty, I can’t throw them away.  So I had a great idea to choose one a week and try to have the kids memorize it!



During quiet time, the first 30 minutes is book time.  This year I’m going to have my almost second grader start reading short chapter books.  I think I will start him on

, I will also make sure to read chapter books aloud this summer. I want to also read through lots of Joy Berry books ().  Also on my list is the Dave Ramsey Junior series ().



We have memberships to the zoo and a history museum, I am also really considering renewing our Botanical Garden membership as well.  I like to try and take the kids to a “fun” activity once a week, at the very least once every other week.

I want to try and have at least 2 play dates a month.

The kids also go to Mom’s Day Out one day for 5 hours.

Each child goes to a week (a couple of hours each day) of zoo school.  I am also thinking of putting my oldest in a couple of craft/drawing camps and maybe a cooking camp, we’ll see!  😉



We usually do not do “school work” on the days they go to Mom’s Day Out and our activity day.

We have our “school work” time at the beginning of quiet time.  I will put the baby down and start on school.  When the older children are done with their work, they start their quiet reading time in their rooms.

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What does your summer look like?


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!


Pamela J
May 24, 2012 at 9:26 PM

We’ve used the summer bridge activities for several summers now. I love that all I have to do is tear out a page and hand it to each kid after lunch. They cover several subjects so I just have to buy one workbook instead of several to cover each category. Hope you like it as much as we do. Have a great summer. Lots like you’ve got lots planned. Us…not so much. Swimming lessons will be enough driving for me.

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Final Friday: May 2012

May 24, 2012