
Happy Valentine’s Day


I was trying to make these again this year, but switching things up just a tad.  Since finding watermelon around here this time of the year isn’t so easy, I thought I’d try to make these with Jello and strawberries.

Let’s just say it’s not going well.  They are falling apart like crazy and it’s really difficult.  They are not at all cute.  So I am going to go to the store and try to get more Jello and see if I make them thicker if it might help!  We’ll see, hopefully I’ll have time to update this post later tonight!


They still aren’t as cute as the watermelon, but I doubled the “Jiggler” recipe and it worked so much better.  They are really thick, so they stayed together a lot better and they were a lot easier to cut out!  🙂

Valentine’s Books:

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get a box of candy hearts and graph them, see which color you have the most of, the least of, the same of



I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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