

I am having a bad day!  Starting out with my husband, literally rushing out the door with my son in order to get to school in time.  Then my four year old had his check up today, so he got shots, so needless to say, he’s in a wonderful mood!  The doctor’s office visit took longer than expected, so I didn’t make it to  Zumba class, which I should have just gone to anyway, I could really use the stress relief right now!  We get home and my son is uncomfortable from the shots and my youngest had shots yesterday, so he’s in  a great mood too!  We get home and I have the kids pick a movie to watch, maybe I can de-stress a little bit (yea right)!  During the movie I find out some information that irritates me (surrounding people that were already irritating me) so now I’m super angry and I just want to yell at someone.  To calm down, I go and cuddle with the kids and watch a movie.  Now it’s lunch time and quiet time!  The kids didn’t eat, even though it’s one of their favorites and they are resisting quiet time (more than usual).  The baby is completely off his schedule and not happy about it, he will not fall asleep!  I am to the point where I just want to walk out, but I don’t want to because of my kids!  Ironic!  I would be upset right now, even if I didn’t have kids, but the kids being unhappy and uncooperative just seems to be escalating the problem!  Good thing there is a lot of TV I want to watch tonight (new season premiers and season finale), so I think I will fix dinner, we will eat, I will take a nice long shower, get an adult beverage, and watch some TV!  I’m not writing this blog because I want sympathy, I’m writing it cause I want to share my life, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I want you to know that everyone has bad “Mommy” days where the kids watch too much TV and that we are just trying our best not to scream!  I read a few blogs and they are very helpful, but they don’t ever “air their dirty laundry!”  They only show the good and amazing parts of having children and raising a family!  I just want to know that I’m not all alone out there!!

Do you have a bad day story you want to share?


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!


October 2, 2010 at 7:46 PM

I actually wrote this the other day, but wanted to wait until I was calmed down before I published it!!

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September 9, 2010

Financial Frustration

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