
Nourishing Traditions

[amazon_image id=”0967089735″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats[/amazon_image]

A friend let me barrow this cookbook, unfortunately she needed it back before I could read the whole thing and before I wrote this post.  My friend has been deeply involved in nutrition research for about eight years now.  She has a daughter who has asthma and tons of severe allergy issues.  She has been able to drastically reduce (I believe almost eliminating) their use of medication.  When I started to get frustrated with my new diet, she came over and let me barrow lots of books, talked with me and gave me lots of websites/blogs to follow!

This cookbook has a wealth of information!  At times it can even be overwhelming.  I read the majority of the information and it was some really great stuff!  It pretty much goes off of Weston A. Price Foundation knowledge.

I did not get a chance to try any of the recipes, but I thought that it had such wonderful information in it that I still needed to do a blog post on it.  I highly recommend this cookbook and plan on getting my own copy soon.


[amazon_enhanced asin=”0967089735″ /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”0452285666″ /]

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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!


August 30, 2012 at 5:49 PM

I would warn again Nourishing Traditions and WAPF, honestly. I got into it about 2 years ago, and since then, I have only gained a lot of weight. I used to be thin! And having the extra weight makes me tired, increases my sleep apnea (because there is fat inside your breathing passage, like by your soft palate), etc. I think a lot of it, while it makes sense (which makes it deceiving), is just a silly cult, when it comes down to it. If you read Cheeseslave’s blog, you can see that she really seems to have gone downhill the past few years, both weight wise, and she is just so stressed from following all these silly dietary rules. Maybe it’s right for some people, but I honestly wish I never would have gotten into it. Just be careful that living that way does not become a “false idol.”

    August 30, 2012 at 8:29 PM

    I totally agree on the “false idol” and I think a lot of people have to watch that. I have also been a little stressed when it comes to some of this, but when I get that way, I tell myself to just take baby steps and to see what works for me and my family! My friend has been doing her research for over 8 years and she will tell you about her successes and failures. Her advise to me was to research, try things out and to just listen to my body to see what is the best fit for me. I’ve been following Paleo (which could also be considered a fad), I was working out but then life has happened this past month and I haven’t made it a priority. I have lost between 7-10 pounds, however, losing weight hasn’t been my goal, I just want to feel better. The past few weeks I have not watched what I’ve been eating as much and I can tell a big difference! I’ve lost patience with my husband and my children and I’ve had some extremely uncomfortable stomach issues that I used to have on a regular basis. Right now, for me, this is working. However I don’t fully agree with everything I’ve read. I know Paleo says to avoid all grains, however, I’m a Christian and God gave people bread (and similar grains), He made us, so I believe He knows what’s best. I also think that we need to go back to the more traditional way of preparing foods. So far in all my research the one thing that everyone agrees on is EAT VEGETABLES!

    Thank you so much for your comment and for disagreeing in a nice way! 😉

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