
Our Summer Schedule

We have started our new summer schedule, so I thought I’d give you a preview!

Since our schedule is more of a sequence, I’m just going to list our activities.



me, up and doing my Bible Study (hoping to start a workout afterwards very soon)

kids up and I get in the shower

start a load of laundry

breakfast (usually at the school)

playground playtime


read to kids

free time for the kids (play or TV watching)

lunch time (usually at the school)

baby take  a nap

read to kids

school activities with the older kids

older kids quiet time

during quiet time I usually read, have computer time, and try to get some housework done

snack time

kids play outside or we read/play

get dinner ready (kids usually watch TV)


kid chore time

playtime or activity time

bedtime routine

kids in bed

I usually try to do a chore and have some relaxing time before going to bed


If one of the kids has camp, then I run errands or take the others to the playground while we wait.  We usually have baseball games, practice, or dance four nights a week.  They have swimming lessons before lunch one day and I usually take the kids to Mom’s Day Out one day and I run errands or try to get stuff done at home if I don’t have to work MDO that day.


How’s/What’s your summer schedule (going)?




I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Everyday Paleo

June 15, 2012