Books / Life

Peeks Into Our Weeks 6/24

I’m so sorry, I’ve been horrible about taking pictures of my kids lately!

2014-05-17 09.26.35

Daughter had her dance recital!  She did such an amazing job!

2014-05-18 13.43.43Super crazy kids in the car!

2014-05-19 19.28.34My oldest did his first major school project.  It was a living museum and he had to memorize a speech.  It was so hard for me not to “re-do” some of it to make it up to my standards!  However, I also know that he needed that experience.  Even though I would’ve liked to change some of it.  He did pretty well and still got a good grade.  (Why is it so hard to do the right thing sometimes?!)

2014-06-01 16.13.36Getting ready for Fourth of July pictures!  🙂

2014-06-07 11.27.11Someone had a birthday!

2014-06-09 16.47.52I’ve been horrible about keeping up with laundry the past few weeks.  I’ve had a couple of loads that have stayed in the washer for a few days, stinky!  Good thing all it takes is a tiny bit of soap and a couple of drops of oil and we are back to smelling fresh!  😉

2014-06-14 13.23.58Got an oil order in!  (Too bad I don’t get to keep it all!)  But it still looks pretty!

Books I’m Reading

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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Thankful Thursday 6/19

June 19, 2014