
Planning a Child’s Birthday Party


This is what I do when planning my children’s birthday parties!



The first thing I usually do is choose a theme or ask my kids what kind of party they would like.  I usually do this about a month in advance.



I do research online and find out what kind of products are available in the chosen theme. I like to try and get themed tablecloths, paper plates, napkins, cups, treat bag items, invitations and balloons.  The first place I go to look for stuff is usually Oriental Trading.



I usually keep it pretty simple.  Besides the themed table wear, I usually just get balloons.  I order these about four days in advance if I am getting them at the store.  If I buy them online then I order then when I order all the other supplies.


If there are invitations out there, then I use those, if not, then I start researching craft products to see if I can make them.  I can usually make about 20 invitations in about a week.  I try very hard to make sure that the invitations are received by the guests about two weeks before the party.


Treat Bags

Yes, I’m one of those moms!  I usually have treat bags to send home with the guests.  I usually only plan on one treat bag per family, this cuts down on the number that I need.  If I need to order anything for the treat bags, I try to do this about three weeks before the party.

One good thing about choosing a theme a month in advance is that you have time to look for sales!  For instance for my son’s first birthday, we had a tiger theme.  I was able to wait until the individual bowls of Frosted Flakes went on sale at Walgreens!  I like to put fruit snacks in the treat bags and I try and wait for them to go on sale too.
Some of my favorite items for treat bags are:

  • crayons
  • tiny note pads
  • stickers
  • blow outs
  • chalk
  • bubbles
  • bouncy balls



I do not bake my children’s cakes.  I would love to learn how to do this one day, but I don’t think it’s a big priority right now.  I order our cakes from a lady who does business out of her house.  I try to call and order the cake a week in advance.



When our third was born, we decided to get a small inflatable bouncer.  It was all three children’s present that year (that’s how we justified the price)!  This has been such a great purchase.

We have a swing set in our backyard, so we get out the bouncer and all of our outdoor toys and let the kids have fun.  We usually let them play for about an hour.  All of our kids are born between the months of March and September, so, so far this has worked pretty well for us.

One of our friends borrowed it one time for a party in December because they had a big enough place to put it in their basement.

After they play for an hour, we have the birthday boy/girl open their presents and then we serve cake and ice cream.
As the guests leave, we hand them their treat bag (if I remember).


Thank You Notes

I know it’s not proper etiquette, but I try to have the kids color and write their names on their invitations and have them in the mail within a month after the party (I know it should be sooner).  I usually have them make postcards to save on shipping costs and that way we don’t need envelopes.


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(I usually use my Cricut to make invitations, I love my Cricut!)

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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!


June 16, 2011 at 8:57 PM

I gotta say, the bouncer thing was a good investment! My kids love playing in it!

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