
Weekend Shopping

Dillon’s: $53.99; 28 items; almost $2 per item (yikes); total savings $21.97; free toothpaste

We did not need much of what was on sale at Dillon’s this week, so I pretty much stocked up on the things that we use a lot, but usually don’t go on sale!  I also forgot my coupon box (ugh!) so I could have gotten two things cheaper, but such is life.  I also was a little frustrated because they were out of the pepperoni that I had a coupon for and out of the spices I needed this week, so it looks like another trip back in the next few days!  I also got a pastry blender so that I can attempt to make my husband apple pie for Valentine’s Day, since it’s his favorite!  🙂

Target around $15 (sorry can’t find my receipt right now)!  The Valentine’s bags and napkins did not come out of our grocery budget and they were around $7!  So, $8 and I got free Reese’s, hair color, shampoo and travel size Tide!  I paid 0.88 for the conditioner!  Target had a TON of things on clearance, I could have spent a lot more, but wanted to save money because we had pizza and Sonic (school fundraiser) on the menu!

I went to Aldi’s, spent $10 for 2 gallons of milk, grapes, and $2 half dozen pink roses!  Did a Sam’s run and spent $50 for fish sticks, peanut butter, tortellini, dog food, &  brownie mix!

Total: $122.00, I budget separately for Sam’s, usually about $70 a month.  However, my grocery & Sam’s budget includes household items (cleaners, paper products, light bulbs, etc) diapers, toiletries, cosmetics, pet food, etc


Breakfast: cereal (x3), oatmeal, homemade cinnamon swirl bread, pancakes, waffles

Lunch: corn dogs, fish sticks, cheese tortillas, sandwiches (x3), leftovers

Dinner: Sonic (fundraiser), steak, chicken, chili, macaroni & cheese, chicken enchiladas, broccoli rice chicken & cheese casserole


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Valentine's Day Snack

February 13, 2011


February 16, 2011