
When God Doesn’t Make Sense


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When God Doesn’t Make Sense

The Betrayal Barrier

God Makes Sense Even When He Doesn’t Make Sense

Acceptance or Despair

He Will Deliver Us, but If Not

Questions and Answers

The Adversity Principle

Faith Must Be Tough

The Wages of Sin

More Questions and Answers

Beyond the Betrayal Barrier



This is an amazing book.  This book intrigued me because I am often finding myself asking “Why?”  Why has my mom been very sick for years (since before I was in high school) with no real diagnosis?  Why has one of our friends, who has many health problems, been in so many horrific car accidents (that weren’t her fault) and added so much more pain and suffering?  Why is there cancer, especially for moms with young children?  Why do children get sick and die?  Why is there so much suffering and abuse?

Why?!  Why?!  Why?!

Now, this book doesn’t answer those questions, it can’t.  There are so many things we are not supposed to know.  As Linda Dillow says in her book

, “If we could fully comprehend God, He wouldn’t be God-He would be like us.”  I think this is a wonderful explanation.  However, this book did give me a great perspective and scripture to go to.  I printed out over three pages of notes/quotes on this book that I intend to put by my bed and review often.  There are so many wonderful quotes and insight, I can’t choose!  Please read the letter on pages 32-34.

This book was a God send this week.  While I read it a little while ago, I just sat down to type out the notes this week and God knew I would need the encouragement this week.


Here are some things I like when I am going through a hard time:

Footprints in the Sand

Serenity Prayer


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Don’t you stop believin’ in God!



I know this is about a break up, but I feel like it is relevant to many other aspects of life! 😉


Family Talk
Focus on the Family


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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